

Since its inception in 2018, private sector partners have worked with the AFF in shaping our policy agenda, contributing content, insights and critical thought leadership.

The AFF is supported by many leading businesses, exporters, entrepreneurs and tech innovators, from both the UK and US. AFF promotes the importance of the UK, US and others, as trade and economic partners, and explored ways to boost innovation and technology. The Forum hears from business leaders and entrepreneurs on how we secure future prosperity, economic resilience and security, as well as how we promote advances in our emerging technologies, including Quantum, AI and Cyber.

Our private sector partners have helped conceive and grow the AFF and will continue to play a critical role in determining the future shape and focus of the Forum.

The AFF is keen to work with leading businesses, tech innovators and SMEs. If you would like to contribute to AFF and become a partner, the AFF would like to hear from you.

The AFF can help you build a strategic campaign focused on building relationships with your target audience. We offer tailored solutions and can help you optimise your participation in the Forum.

If you are interested in becoming a partner of AFF please get in touch with Sally Pugmire, Event Director at or +44 207 395 4460.



Benefits of Becoming an AFF Partner



Engage directly and meaningfully with industry peers and government representatives.



Benefit from great brand amplification opportunities onboard the ship.



Co-curate and participate in high-level conversation alongside policymakers and CEOs.

Exclusive Side Events

Access to select Partner events hosted onboard HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH.

Speaking Opportunities

Be at the forefront of critical debate, taking part in sessions that align with your businesses strategic interests.

Showcase Opportunities 

Showcase your latest innovations.  


AFF'24 Partners